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随着劳动力的短缺,直播水稻具有省工省力的优点逐渐受到重视,因此筛选适宜水条播(直播)的水稻品种是极其重要的。为此,以29份寒地水稻为材料,采用随机区组试验设计,研究水条播对寒地水稻农艺性状、产量构成因素和产量的影响。结果表明,水条播对寒地水稻单位面积穗数的影响为偏正向,对株高、穗长、穗重、一次枝梗数、二次枝梗数、穗粒数、成粒率、千粒重、生物产量、经济系数和理论产量的影响都是偏负向的。水条播提高了穗重、一次枝梗数、二次枝梗数、单位面积穗数、穗粒数、成粒率、千粒重、生物产量、经济系数和理论产量的变异程度,而千粒重的变异系数较小。穗重、成粒率和生物产量对水条播反应较敏感的材料,一般其理论产量对水条播的反应也较敏感。  相似文献   
樊帆  李思  傅佩红  黄魏  郑浩 《中国农学通报》2019,35(35):129-133
目前,空间数据在Web端的表达方式存在网络传输数据量大、插件依赖性强、交互性较差等问题。为了减轻浏览器承载的压力、快速高效地实现空间数据在Web端的可视化表达,本文设计了一种基于等高线渲染法的克里金插值展示技术:在克里金插值算法和等高线渲染法的支持下,用户在Web端通过“框选”工具选择采样点区域,其中采样点数据被传输到服务端进行处理生成插值结果,并返回到Web端进行快速渲染。此技术成功应用在柑橘信息管理系统中,结果表明克里金插值结果的成图时间有效缩短,且Web端的交互性显著增强。  相似文献   
科恢36是重庆师范大学以明恢63/泰引1号(9)//糯89-1(♂)杂交选育而成的水稻新恢复系,具有耐冷性强、恢复力强、花粉量充足等特点,2013年通过重庆市技术鉴定,所配组合冈优36(冈46A/科恢36)于2012年通过重庆市品种审定.  相似文献   
花青素是广受人们喜爱的植物色素,在食品加工、杂种纯度鉴定中具有重要的作用。本研究鉴定了一个以日本晴为受体、优良紫鞘恢复系R225为供体亲本的紫鞘水稻染色体片段代换系Z519。Z519共含有16个代换片段,分布于除第10染色体外的其他11条染色体,平均长度为6.85 Mb。Z519在芽鞘3 mm时鞘尖呈现紫色,其后在叶鞘、叶缘、茎维管束和柱头等部位出现紫色线条,而日本晴各部位均为绿色。Z519叶鞘中花青素含量极显著高于日本晴,剑叶中没有显著差异。与受体日本晴相比,Z519的株高显著降低,千粒重、主穗总粒数和实粒数显著增加,有效穗数、主穗长和结实率无显著差异。进一步以日本晴与Z519杂交产生的F1和F2群体对紫鞘基因进行了遗传分析和分子定位。该紫鞘表型受显性单基因控制,位于第1染色体In Del标记L03和SSR标记L01之间37.8 kb的区域,被命名为PSH1。对该区间进行候选基因预测和测序,Z519在一个编码质体ATP/ADP转运蛋白的LOC_Os01g45910基因第一外显子的第238~252碱基的GTG重复区又多插入了GTG 3个碱基,导致增加了一个甘氨酸。q RT-PCR结果进一步表明其表达量在Z519中明显降低,初步确定LOC_Os01g45910是PSH1的候选基因。该研究为PSH1调控花青素的分子机制奠定了良好基础。  相似文献   
传统水稻育种技术最主要瓶颈是选择效率低和周期长。为了提高水稻优异材料选育和杂交稻组配效率,创新水稻分子育种策略,利用分子标记辅助选择多基因聚合和早世代杂交组配,展开水稻恢复系分子改良和杂交新组合的调查评价。供体亲本H318与恢复系亲本华占进行杂交,通过选择和设计关键有利基因的分子标记,利用毛细管电泳基因分型技术,将Wxb、fgr、Xa23、Pi2、Pi46以及Pita 6个稻米品质、香味、抗白叶枯病和抗稻瘟病相关功能基因进行聚合利用。通过多世代的田间生物学性状调查,米质、抗性等表型鉴定,获得14份以恢复系华占为遗传背景,目标基因纯合的优质、双抗和香型稳定的水稻株系。依据材料稳定遗传特性,将改良后代株系与生产应用的不育系进行测配和组合的调查评价,筛选获得潜在优良杂交稻。在育种进程中采用"多基因聚合-早世代组配"策略,实现多个有利基因快速聚合,定向改良稻米品质和抗病性等关键性状,并且促进杂交水稻组合的高效选育。  相似文献   
代谢组学在反刍动物营养研究中的应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
代谢组学是研究生物系统中所有代谢物的一门新兴学科。它能够检测生命系统中某一特定生物层次的所有代谢物的变化,并能够利用其特有的分析技术平台和数据分析平台对所得代谢物进行系统性度量。近年来,因其测试技术的广泛适用性,代谢组学逐渐被应用于反刍动物的营养学研究中。本文从瘤胃代谢组学、肝脏代谢组学、乳腺代谢组学和血液代谢组学等4个方面对代谢组学在反刍动物营养研究中的应用进展进行了综述。  相似文献   
‘张甘40’是以雄性不育系‘M0105-7’(保持系‘8513-1-2’)为母本,以‘F07013-5’为父本配制而成的甘蓝新品种,成熟期60 d左右。开展度56.08 cm,外叶9~11片,蜡质轻,单球质量1.6~2.4 kg,叶球高17.0 cm,叶球宽14.0 cm,产量75 000~85 500 kg·hm~(-2)。圆球,中心柱7.0 cm,成熟球外包绿叶2~3层,根茎高3.0 cm。口感脆甜。耐裂球,耐抽苔,适合冀北高寒地区春秋两季露地栽培。  相似文献   
The dynamic behavior of a fish cage collar in waves was investigated using a numerical model based on the finite element method. The floating collar and mooring system were divided into a series of line segments modeled by straight massless model segments with a node at each end. To verify the validity of the numerical model, research data from other authors were cited and compared with the simulated results, the comparison of results showed a good agreement. The numerical model was then applied to a dynamic simulation of a floating cage collar in waves to analyze its elastic deformation and mooring line tension. The simulated results indicated that the greatest deformation of the collar taken place in the position of the mooring line connection point when incident waves were in the same direction. An increase in the length of mooring line would help to decrease the mooring line tension of the collar. Furthermore, the effects of collar dimension, including collar circumference, pipe diameter in cross-section, and pipe thickness, on the dynamic behavior of the floating collar were discussed. The results of this study provided a better understanding of the dynamic behavior of the fish cage collar.  相似文献   
This study was designed to compare the blood physiological and biochemical parameters between plateau Juema minipigs and plain Bama minipigs,and provide a theoretical basis for Juema minipigs served as experimental animals in the future.The blood samples of Juema minipigs were taken in Gannan,and the blood samples of the Bama minipigs were taken in Xi'an,24 blood physiological and biochemical parameters were tested using an automatic analyzer of blood cells and biochemistry.Between the plateau Juema minipigs and Bama minipigs,there were significant differences in PLT,RDW-CV and RDW-SD (P< 0.05) and extremely significant differences in RBC,HGB,HCT,MCH,MCMH,GGT,GLU and CRE (P< 0.01).The plateau Juema minipig had an altitude acclimatization,so it was better than Bama minipig in plateau medical science.  相似文献   
To study the effect of luteolin on blood indexes,liver and kidney in mice with acute mercury poisoning,28 mice were randomly divided into four groups:Control group (intraperitoneal injection 0.9% saline),luteolin group (lavage 100 mg/kg luteolin),mercuric chloride group (intraperitoneal injection 4 mg/kg mercury chloride) and mercury chloride+luteolin group (intraperitoneal injection 4 mg/kg mercuric chloride,lavage 100 mg/kg luteolin).The activities of ALT in serum,AST,CREA and BUN contents,blood WBC,RBC,HGB content and GSH and MDA contents of liver tissue were detected.Morphological changes of liver and kidney tissues were observed.The results showed that compared with the control group,the activities of ALT and AST of mercuric chloride group were extremely significantly increased (P < 0.01),serum CREA,BUN,blood WBC and liver tissue MDA contents were significantly increased (P < 0.05) while blood RBC,HGB and liver tissue GSH contents were significantly decreased (P < 0.05).Liver,kidney pathological changes were obviously.Compared with mercuric chloride group,the activities of ALT,AST in serum,CREA,BUN,blood WBC and liver tissue MDA contents of mercuric chloride+luteolin group were significantly decreased (P < 0.05),while blood RBC,HGB and liver tissue GSH contents were significantly elevated (P < 0.05).Liver,kidney pathological changes were attenuated obviously.The poisoning were characterized by inflammation and the occurrence of anemia when acute mercury poisoning occurred,liver and kidney showed different degrees of injury in mice.Luteolin could reduce the toxic effects of acute mercury poisoning on blood,liver and kidney.  相似文献   
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